Thursday, September 13, 2007

Not to be forgotten

We don't want to end without looking back on one favorite experience: THE ALASKA MARINE CENTER. So, please return in time, before Denali and the Hyder bears, before the the generous fisher people of Haines. During our travels in the Kenai Peninsula we visited Seward and pulled out the big bucks for a visit to the wonders of the Marine Center. Our favorite exhibit was the seabird condo, a multifloor environment with one story of air and 2 stories of water. We wondered, Shouldn't it be the other way around?  Nope. The sea birds flew with more power and grace under the water than in the air. In fact, the allotment of water seems thin since some of the birds are able to soar 600 feet below the surface. These pictures feature two of the exhibit's stars: the rascal with yellow side burns is a Tufted Puffin and the dapper gents perched on the rock are Commen Murres.

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